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Monday, August 27, 2018

Mirantis Open Stack Installation with Fuel and Virtual Box - Part 1

I was keen to experiment with open stack and also compare it with other cloud platforms like AWS etc. I had tried installing Vanilla Open Stack from devstack and RDO installations earlier but ended up being futile exercises due to either faulty (or ignorant!) hardware setup on my side or some mess in the procedures followed.

But any way, I came across Mirantis Open Stack installation using Fuel and found it to be rather simple and faster. The hardware requirements were clear and able to meet with my windows 7 laptop with Intel i5/ 8GB RAM.

I opted for installation through Oracle Virtual Box scripts which automates everything from creation of  host only network interfaces to creation of VM for fuel master and fuel slave nodes (which later become open stack controller , computer etc nodes)

To my utter surprise , i found the scripts to non starter as it got blocked in the initial steps of removing any existing virtualbox host only adaptors. After some shell script debugging and corrections in the scripts, I managed to install the default setup. You can find the modified scripts in the link below.

As it stands i still could not manage to run/install them through a single script as it was intended). so you can follow below steps to complete the installation (I choose 8GB scripts as I have only 8GB ram in my laptop)

Go to the folder/directory in the extracted zip file where you can see below scripts and run these commands

>> sh

This installs fuel master VM after creating all required host adapters / NAT adapters etc.

Fuel set up UI, take care to configure NAT adapter in eth1 settings and DNS settings for your setup for external network access. Other wise you will have issues to build a bootstrap image.

Only VM is up with login screen, kill this script with CTRL-C and move to next step

>>  sh  -- (Some more steps to enable internet access for fuel master)
>> sh  -- ( Some more steps to install master node public keys)

Above steps complete Fuel master installation

Now create fuel slave nodes with below command

>> sh

You are going to have a set up which looks like below (after creating of 1 controller and 2 compute nodes )

All above interfaces are on virtual box host only adapters except for a NAT adapter configured on Fuel master node for internet access (to create boot strap image and new open stack installations from network repositories)

Major dis advantage with above set up is that any external access to VM instances or even to Open Stack API endpoints (Horizon , Keystone etc) have to be on host only network with in same PC and same existing network (

If your laptop has 16GB RAM, you can install Open source MANO (OSM) and deploy your VNF packages on this open stack to create your network services.(

But if you need to really access this from external machine than the laptop (OSM setup), Then deployment has to be different than above setup which I will explain in Part 2.

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